wHat God GavE mE tOday ? |
Tuesday, June 28, 2005 It's So Early...Thanks to my laziness, I'm here in Uni, entering this.. cLass only starts at 1030am ! and i'm here at 8am.. why? Cos I am too lazy to wake up 7am, take a bus to the LRT station and take another bus to uni !! So I decided to stay over at Lydia's and follow her to uni the next day , i.e. her class is at 8am !!! I've been playing Neopet games the whole morning !!!! And it's finally time for me to go for class ! hahahahha ;p Man Am I glad !! wahahahaha ;p
Sunday, June 26, 2005 Sunday...It will normally start of with church service, family sevice / teen time a.k.a bible study time !! then go for lunch adn home !! But for today, it was CRAZY !! After church service, the whole church went for a treasure-hunt !!! at Taman Rimba TTDI. As hot as the sun could get, somehow, everyone was not really affected by it. Why? The fact that every team was running around scrambbling for clues proved that the heat didn't work very well on them ! It was really hillarious !! All the team leaders were mainly made up of uncles ! And these uncle s were even more enthusiasted than we were !!! Screaming and yelling, rushing from one end of the park to the other and even the car park became their territory !!! wahahahha ! If you have fantastic imaginations, I think you'd probably get a good picture ! Aside from the treasure hunt, we were supposed to have refreshments at the park as weLL, compliments of the aunties of the church of course. I did say refreshments right, but it turned out to a great feast !! hahahhah !! Let me see (as much as I can remember): 1) Fried Rice 2) Curry Puff 3) KFC 4) Fried nuggets 5) Fried Chicken Wings 6) Pulut (with chilli) 7) Dominos Pizza 8) Curry chicken (compliments of aunty LaiKIam) 9) Roast chicken 10)NOt sure if they had roast duck and pork 11)Agar-agar 12)Nasi Lemak 13)Cheese Platter !! (blue cheese, mind you ) There were mich more, didn't manage to get a taste of them !! ALso, a cake from Secrect Recipe, BIG one, with a portrait of BATMAN !! ahahhaha, yeah, in conjuncton of Father's Day ! Well i hope that is all, at least , I remembered how sweaty we got after the whole thing !!! JUST IMAGINE !!
Thursday, June 23, 2005 I turned on the televisionTo find out it is Richie Jen (Ren)'s birthday !! haha !! Taiwanese actor ;p HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! For those of you who don't know who he is.. ![]() Adapted from Seoul Raiders ! hahha ;p
cHristina & MNG & You MNGisonsale ! And so christina becomescrazy ! Messaged me at 10am in the morning to plan our shopping trip ! Skip skip skip ! hop HOp HOp ! we happily went and deserted the rest of our classmates to fight the fiery dragon missAIDA ! (our bis &e commerce lecturer) And she ended up buying the WHOLE MNG !! That is if she could lah ;p I think she would if she was given a wish ! So amusing to see her walking around and happily skiiping with JOY ! WeLL since I went aLL the way there..I of course compensated myself with two tops ! hahha ;p one greeen and the otehr black, where chris when : Yoh, green again ! hahha ;p Ok.. i'm happy with today ! OUh yah, one more thing. During Media PLanning, our lecturer decided to test our creativity, and so she picked 1 person from each group to form a sentence out of 5 colours. Green, Pink, Yellow, Blue and Purple ! and thanks to chewchin, MissPenny called ME ! With the great minds of Joan and Christina, I had to carry four water tumblers to the front !! each representing the different colours !! Besides being embarrassed, the WHOLE class had a GREAT laugh at me !! MAN !! What a nice way to be known by the whole lot of JR students !! yor.... Lalala.. anyway, I'm tired..sleepy..out of energy.. So..ZZZ...
6am to 6pm and after That.. Since six in the morning I was out of the house. Doing what? To get on the LRT and zoom my way to my yucky cLass that started at 8am ! Anyway, it'll be the second time that I'm amking it in time for an 8am cLass !! hahhaha ;p So it was Claaassss CLasssssss and CLAsssss until 2pm. Went to grab a bite with Christina and then made my way back to uni for our Drama Workshop done by Joan's friend. Which lasted til about 6pm !! my gosh !! *** Had no dinner, so I called Stacia, and in the end went out with her and jongchern.. We had food at SriRampai..hehe ;p And i Ate Fish Head Noodle.. =] First time eating it alone =) yummmyyyyy !! thought it could do better with more evaporated milk and a tinge of sugar !! So I finally reached / got home at 10pm !! My Gosh !! Worn out and exhausted, I bath, fell asleep with my wet hair... That's yesterday...
Tuesday, June 21, 2005 Malaysia's Public TransportationsAs crappy as it can get, I think it really needs a GREAT BIG improvement !! Why? Since I depend on public transportation most of the time to get to where ever I need to go, I would really appreciate it to be better !! Today, as I was trying to stop a Putraline bus, instead of stopping, it sped off right in front of me !! Those who commute in one will understand how I felt. Man !! it was already 6pm..and if I wit for the next bus, it comes in 40 minutes time and takes about 20 minutes++ ! which means, by the time I reach Wangsa Maju, I think I might just die of hunger ! In the end, I walked to the station.. from my Uni, pass Section 14 , pass Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital and all that and finally reach !! This would be the first time that I'm walking to an LRT station !!! SIAO !!! So far ! By the time I reached the station, I felt like my feet were filled with blisters ! What's worse? I wore sandals, thinking that I wouldn't be walking alot today.. In teh end, I wen tto Sect 14 with cHristina and I have to walk to the LRT STATION !! I really cannot believe what I did ! Ok that's the end of walking story. So I slept in the train cos of my tiredness.. When the train reached Wangsa Maju, where I'm supposed to stop. Then, by the time I woke up, the train doors closed on me !! *sigh* sat in the train to Taman Melati, got off and had to sit on the otehr train to get back to Wnagsa Maju... What a Sakai day... !!!!
Friday, June 17, 2005 Bodo CaseYEah, what a lousy day ! Woke up so early, hoping that I would make it for my 9am class ! Guess what happened? When I reached Asia Jaya, I somehow had a bad feeling that I'm not gonna make it for class ! And so, I reached class half an hour late ! bout 40 minutes actually.. Then? DIdn't go in lah ! In case that Lim Su Jin eats me up ! But on the bright side, kononnya la..I had to go to uni cos I have to hand in my thesis proposal. Nasib baik.. After that, made my way to the mamak sTall to have my breakfast and dinner (dayb4). Yah, had some weird arguement with bro and parents, so I fell asleep in my room while trying to cool down.. Which almost made me foget that I had a thesis proposal to complete and hand-in ! Filled my stomach and then followed cHristina's MP (Media Planning) group to KL Sentral and made my way home ! which cost me an RM2 bus ride ! My gosh ! i think I'll stick to LRT for the rest of my life ! And..I'm tired and should go and sleep...
FLIP We visited the library on Wednesday. Reached there at about 4pm. So we started flipping. Flip - Flip - Flip Flip - Flip - Flip One hour later... (5pm) Flip - Flip - Flip Flip - Flip - Flip Another hour later... (6pm) Flip - Flip - Flip Flip - Flip - Flip ANOTHER hour later... Finally, stopped flipping !! Why? Cos we were chased out by the library guards.. And what were we flipping? Me - theSun newspapers, June 2004 issues all the way to December 2004 issues. JOan - She was flipping NST, and she gave up half way, was the NST's were really really troublesm ! BIG - LONG and THICK ! CC - Flipping The Star ! that too, she gave up, cos of the same reasons, too thick !! Samantha - Can't remember what she was flipping, but anotehr newspaper la.. also gave up halfway.. Rina - FLipping chinese newspapers.. When we all finally gave flipping the newspapers.. no we didn't just stop there. We started flipping magazines !! ARGHHHH !! Joan and CC even started fliping microfilms ! Siaoness !! all because of our assignments !! Tired to the bone..we finally left the library.. And I reached home at 845 pm !! Why? YEah, thanks to the lack of transport..and busy highways ! I took a STAR Lrt to Masjid Jamek and then switched over to the PUTRA Lrt.. and spent some time waiting for the bus.. But the night was rather rewarding, since the minute I steeped into my house, Stacia message : >> Want to burge at 930? Haha, so we went for burger with Kinmun, MayLee and JongChern.. Had a fun time eating and laughing at JC & KM ! Cos they were simply amusing, the fact that they were playing with walky-talkies !! my gosh !! What day?! Spent some time with the computer.. and ..yea.. ZZZZzzzzZZzzZzzzz...
Monday, June 13, 2005 Re-visit To the Hills. . .Just came back from camp yesterday..as you can see, It had been a day after I came back that I'm finally here to tell the tale, cos I was simply too exhausted yesterday ! So we journeyed up Cameron Highlands for our 2005 church camp ! I was simply too bored in the car til I took all these pictures.. ![]() MeiFern driving ![]() So much for concentrating on driving, haha ! I had to keep myself talking, yakking and aLL the nonsense coming out of my mouth to keep mIss meifern awake, hehe, che..macam terra ! Took some shots of the beautiful mountains ! er.. gunung, hills ? whatever.. God's Creation ! YEa, that's more like it ;p ![]() Some mountain aye =] And after that long windy journey, with all kinds of phone calls coming into meifern and my cellphone, I felt like I was a phone operator..with the wenghong getting lost, cheng-yi calling to ask for toilet stops and we accidently went up to Chefoo without Unc Chiong Seng ! we finally reached... Look at those satisfied looks... ![]() So glad no one threw out ! Supposed to have ice breakers, but in the end, everyone reached way past the time they were supposed to arrive !!! Had our first session with the speaker, C.S. Tang, who flew all the way from Australia ! Surprisingly, I survived even with so little rest !!! And we got ready for bed !! ![]() Wen-Li and Tooshi ! haha ! ![]() Mei Fern and her lotion ! ![]() Ashley and Phoebe, foever next to each other and giggling away ! I was so sleepy earlier in the day, but when I touched the bed, MAN, cannot sleep pulak.. OUh yah, I him when we first arrived, soooooo cute and 'yau yeng' !! handsome dog ! hehe ! ![]() Here's Glenny ! If that's how his name is spelled... Wish I could bring him home !! ;) ![]() We were all so sleepy ... So it was the second say of camp..though we didn't get enough sleep.. hehe, somehow, by God's grace, we pulled through.. haha ;p Did some pondering too..felt a bit neglected by friends..but I guess, there will always be an answer behind those pondered things..just probably need more time.. Went for hiking though it was pouring !!! we were all SOAKED wet including Unc Jay ! Supposed the whole church came with us, but in the end, cos of the rain, only 9 of us went ! We had fun , so much fun ! hahhaha ;p ![]() Hehe, YAY !! dunno where unc jay went.. Came back , took pictures of our wet-selves, and took a warm bath , haha ;p Left for Tcafe after that and a great time there, hehe ;p so yummy !!! like warm and cosy too !! =) ![]() hehehe, see the happy faces !! So stuffed, but still went back for dinner, haha !! gemuk man.. ![]() Haha, wenghong fell down ! i think he was washing the wound la, dunno? It's Third day of camp by the way, hehe ! So we left to Boh Tea Plantation after the bengbong finished washing his wound. Tailing Unc YuChai wasn't an easy task, at the rate he was going !! hahaha !! like siao man !! zigzagging all the way up !! Finally we reached the plantation, and guess what ? IT STARTED TO RAIN AGAIN !! And we waited and waited and waited , for the rain to stop... WHile waiting.. ![]() Alina and Xin ! Haha, so cute leh !! ![]() Evelyn and meifern ! in the factory, meifern loved the smell in there, and evelyn was kinda like dying, but forced into taking that picture !! ![]() Me and Jill, just being very siao, ahhah ;p RAin RAin Rain .. Til we made our way back to Chefoo.. Went out again for pancakes !! yay !! finally we got to eat them !! I mean, I GOT TO EAT THEM ! ![]() Xin and Jill, dont they look so alike !!! wahhaha ;p For the first time , we had our session outside in the cold !! In the dark somemore.. ok lah, not that dark lahh, still can see some faces la.. I was playing the keyboard with its keys all wet by the dew ! And I think everyone was freezing as weLL !! Cheng was shivering somuch that when she sang, her voice went shivering as well !! ahhaha !! What a cold experience we had !! ![]() And its last day of camp !! Hm.. felt so fast !! Well, some great moments that I will treasure !! 1) Squeezing into one bed with Ashley !! haha, yea, we wanted to talk and my bunk was too far away.. so just climb onto hers , talk talk talk then fell asleep... 2)Wen-Li, following me around !! And the walk we had on last day of camp.. for the first time i had serious talk with her man !! 3)Yea, "fighting" and talking about I dunno what to that unstoppable tanwenghong ! 4)When I was crying, and cheng bought me ice lolly, haha ;p Felt really comforting =) 5)HAving a long long chat with Michelle (cheng-yi) , eventhough my legs were shaking and my teeth were gittering !! it was soooooo cold !! but I din't regrret a second of that conversation !! 6)Mei fern just being meifern !! hahaha !! the only one who was sane ! hahha ;p Compared to the rest of the people in my group la.. Lots more.. just can't pour it out now la...running out of gas !! I feel I'm returning to God's path prepared for me.. after so far straying away.. THANKS !! The MIghty ONe up there.. Thank you Father, for granting me those moments... Love in Christ, wernjun
Tuesday, June 07, 2005 So I went back. . .Dropped by theSun to check out some stuff from one of the marketing guys. To check out bout NEstle stuff ! and we kinda didn't really get to anywhere..maybe we did move an inch lah , hah ! WeLL, at the same time, I got to be finally introduced to Emily ! haha, yeah , she's my senior and now taht she's out of uni, now only I get to know her ?@! So she's a nice gurl after aLL, heehee =] SAw Angela, and as usual, she's as crazy and whacky as ever ! Saw Peter, as usual, he's so engrossed with WORK ! Saw FAisal, as lengchai as ever !! hahaha ;p Saw Terrance, macam biasa only, likes to whack people whenever he sees one ! Saw Maria, and I was happy to see her, cos she always wears a neutral face.. SAw Kamarul, and found out that he was leaving his job..hm.. Saw Bissme, another silent one.. Saw Damien too ! he was happy as usual.. SAw UMA ! and she ran away as though I was chasing her or something !! Saw Oon YEoh also, well he stays near my house, but he still looked happy when he saw me ;p Felt so at home when I went back there ;) Seeing so many familiar faces !! The funniest was the guard. This was what happened : Guard : Hi JUn !! Long time no see !! So you looking for who? WJ : HI ! ouh, looking for some of the marketing guys.. (so he gave me three 'Pelawat tags' WJ : NOneed to leave anything ar? Guard : NO need la.. because you're JUn, I trust you. HAhahaha ! That's why I enjoy the company there so much ! Thet're just such nice people ;p who remembers you !!! even when you haven't seen them for two months !! MIss ya people lots !!
Sunday, June 05, 2005 The Number3Something Ado Bout the three of us ! Going to 1 Utama is always ever SO crazy on a weekend, especially now, cos it's the school holidays !!! Left right front back even ceter? Yea, even that, the maLL was simply so crowded ! Anyway, my sandals decided to die today, so I had to go for a hunt for a new pair of sandals.. And so AiLin and Jeremy were so kind to 'teman' me around 1 Utama to look for a pair of sandals that would suit my fussy taste ! Ealier I've already went with Cheng-yi, but, clearly, I couldn't find much stuff at IKANO.. So THREE of us, wondering into every single shop that looked hopeful and inviting. But failed miserably in achieving to get just a simple pair of sandals, for my poor feet.. At one point, Jem went to meet up with parents, so I and AiLin walked around even more aimless than ever(like what most gurls would do)! Ouh but we had wenghong to come along. So THREE of us walked somemore, and I realiased that wenghong was quite a fashion critic, hahhahahah ;p yea, cos I've never felt so conciously aware of what I'm about to buy !!! More like, now I'm haunted by the fact that we HAVE to choose wisely, haha! Then wenghong left us, and so returned Jem, ahhaha !! Like some journey to dunno where.. And we walked somemore !! Into Pet Wonderland !! wahhaha ;p Saw some really cute animals !! stared at a parakeet eat 'kua chi' for more than 10 minutes, simply amazed at the fact that it was eating tose seeds even faster than we human beings !! After we were done witih that, we headed home..and 1 Utama was still as crowded as ever ! THen I went out with cheng-yi to grab a sundae cone from Mcds, hehe ;) what I call, simple pleasures of life, haha =) Where she sent me off to the LRT station for me to head to KLCC for a movie with May Lee and Stacia. I felt like : Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut their tails with the carving knife, Three blind mice, three blind mice. THREE of us were suppose to watch Mahjung Kungfu. Poor MayLEe and Stacia, after lining up for so long, finally reaching the counter to find out that the tickets for the show were sold out.. ARGHHH !! And me? I was sent to buy popcorn and drinks.. Had some "nice" service by these people behind the counter. One indian lady thought I couldn't differeciate between an RM5 and a RM50 note?? YOHH !! Another chinese guy, I asled for regular coke, he went to prepare a regular popcorn.. MIGOSH ! and gave that 'why-you-do-marfarn-look' as though it was my fault lah ! In the end, we went to the KLCC park, which Stacia has not been before..haha ;p Sat there, staring back at KLCC, and the magnificent tower !! Maylee snapping pictures of the tower, while I and Stacia "admiring" the towers, ahhaha ;p LAst bit of coke sipped, and the last bits of popcorned licked, we went to DOME to have dinner? hehe, according to maylee and satcia, since we saved RM10, so we should treat ourselves to a good meal, to compensate the loss of not being able to watch the movie that we intended to... Maylee ate BeefPie, Stacia ate, I dunno how to spell her food name, and I drank @ ate, Affogato !! which is partly the reason why I can't sleep now.. And so, ends the day of my outing with three of us, at the many places !! wahahhahahhahhahah ;p
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 I think I'm mArriedTo who? The university that I go to ! Why? Cos I'm spending SO much TIME with it !!! Monday to Saturday !!! Almost 5 hours a day and even more !!! This is bad man...Not only that, every subject, I have about 2 assignments !! 6 x 2 = 12 !!!! Roughly like that, but 12 ASSIGNMENTS to complete in less than three months ! I think that's totally almost insane ! Satcia - "I think everyone who's studying is married to the uni or college lah" Which I replied that we married the university when we were in first year, and now its like our marriage with the UNi is maturing !!! ahahhahahahhaha =] I don't know what other analogy to use to describe my agony for what I'm going through !! hehe WeLL, i hope I go through, since there weird subjects like Cyber Law to master.. I mean, haiyooo, aLL the dunno what Act what Act and all the dunno what cases we have to study and understand ! My brains too smaLL to take in aLL the information ler... What can be worse? NO proper lunch breaks !! Siao wan la. Give us breaks of half an hour in between classes, what you want us top survive on?? the nasi lemak and "chi cheong fun" for more than three months?? *haih* Come to think of it, Imight lose weight ! wahahhaha !! After aLL, there is something positive I can look forward to !! Not to forget that this particular subject I'm taking, Creative Strategy for Advertising, the final paper only consist of only 40% !! yipeeee !! haha !!! ok la.. enough of whining..haha =p Instead what I could look forward to? Going crazy in class with christina and joan and all the other people in class, run to the mamak shop to grab quick bites, laugh at crazy lecturers and how they teach !!! Til then, I shall look forward to tomorrow !!!