wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Malaysia's Public Transportations

As crappy as it can get, I think it really needs a GREAT BIG improvement !!


Since I depend on public transportation most of the time to get to where ever I need to go, I would really appreciate it to be better !!

Today, as I was trying to stop a Putraline bus, instead of stopping, it sped off right in front of me !!

Those who commute in one will understand how I felt.

Man !! it was already 6pm..and if I wit for the next bus, it comes in 40 minutes time and takes about 20 minutes++ ! which means, by the time I reach Wangsa Maju, I think I might just die of hunger !

In the end, I walked to the station.. from my Uni, pass Section 14 , pass Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital and all that and finally reach !!

This would be the first time that I'm walking to an LRT station !!! SIAO !!!
So far ! By the time I reached the station, I felt like my feet were filled with blisters !

What's worse? I wore sandals, thinking that I wouldn't be walking alot today..
In teh end, I wen tto Sect 14 with cHristina and I have to walk to the LRT STATION !! I really cannot believe what I did !

Ok that's the end of walking story.

So I slept in the train cos of my tiredness..
When the train reached Wangsa Maju, where I'm supposed to stop. Then, by the time I woke up, the train doors closed on me !!

*sigh* sat in the train to Taman Melati, got off and had to sit on the otehr train to get back to Wnagsa Maju...

What a Sakai day... !!!!

siaosiao @ 10:26 PM

How many-eth time already has this happened to you!? :P
weLL it's actually the first time I'm walking to the LRT station !! AGRHHH
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