wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Friday, June 17, 2005


We visited the library on Wednesday.
Reached there at about 4pm.

So we started flipping.

Flip - Flip - Flip

Flip - Flip - Flip

One hour later... (5pm)

Flip - Flip - Flip

Flip - Flip - Flip

Another hour later... (6pm)

Flip - Flip - Flip

Flip - Flip - Flip

ANOTHER hour later...

Finally, stopped flipping !!
Cos we were chased out by the library guards..

And what were we flipping?

Me - theSun newspapers, June 2004 issues all the way to December 2004 issues.
JOan - She was flipping NST, and she gave up half way, was the NST's were really
really troublesm ! BIG - LONG and THICK !
CC - Flipping The Star ! that too, she gave up, cos of the same reasons, too
thick !!
Samantha - Can't remember what she was flipping, but anotehr newspaper la.. also
gave up halfway..
Rina - FLipping chinese newspapers..

When we all finally gave flipping the newspapers.. no we didn't just stop there. We started flipping magazines !! ARGHHHH !!
Joan and CC even started fliping microfilms !

Siaoness !! all because of our assignments !!
Tired to the bone..we finally left the library..

And I reached home at 845 pm !!
YEah, thanks to the lack of transport..and busy highways !
I took a STAR Lrt to Masjid Jamek and then switched over to the PUTRA Lrt..
and spent some time waiting for the bus..

But the night was rather rewarding, since the minute I steeped into my house, Stacia message :
>> Want to burge at 930?

Haha, so we went for burger with Kinmun, MayLee and JongChern..
Had a fun time eating and laughing at JC & KM ! Cos they were simply amusing, the fact that they were playing with walky-talkies !! my gosh !!

What day?!
Spent some time with the computer.. and ..yea.. ZZZZzzzzZZzzZzzzz...

siaosiao @ 9:42 AM

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