wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

cHristina & MNG & You

MNGisonsale !

And so christina becomescrazy !

Messaged me at 10am in the morning to plan our shopping trip !

Skip skip skip ! hop HOp HOp ! we happily went and deserted the rest of our classmates to fight the fiery dragon missAIDA ! (our bis &e commerce lecturer)

And she ended up buying the WHOLE MNG !! That is if she could lah ;p I think she would if she was given a wish !
So amusing to see her walking around and happily skiiping with JOY !

WeLL since I went aLL the way there..I of course compensated myself with two tops ! hahha ;p one greeen and the otehr black, where chris when : Yoh, green again ! hahha ;p

Ok.. i'm happy with today !

OUh yah, one more thing.

During Media PLanning, our lecturer decided to test our creativity, and so she picked 1 person from each group to form a sentence out of 5 colours. Green, Pink, Yellow, Blue and Purple ! and thanks to chewchin, MissPenny called ME !

With the great minds of Joan and Christina, I had to carry four water tumblers to the front !! each representing the different colours !!
Besides being embarrassed, the WHOLE class had a GREAT laugh at me !!
MAN !!
What a nice way to be known by the whole lot of JR students !! yor....

Lalala.. anyway, I'm tired..sleepy..out of energy..

siaosiao @ 10:00 PM

oh really ! but where did you get this add from?
and how did you bump into it?
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