wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

6am to 6pm and after That..

Since six in the morning I was out of the house. Doing what? To get on the LRT and zoom my way to my yucky cLass that started at 8am !

Anyway, it'll be the second time that I'm amking it in time for an 8am cLass !!
hahhaha ;p

So it was Claaassss CLasssssss and CLAsssss until 2pm.
Went to grab a bite with Christina and then made my way back to uni for our Drama Workshop done by Joan's friend.

Which lasted til about 6pm !! my gosh !!


Had no dinner, so I called Stacia, and in the end went out with her and jongchern..
We had food at SriRampai..hehe ;p And i Ate Fish Head Noodle.. =]
First time eating it alone =) yummmyyyyy !! thought it could do better with more evaporated milk and a tinge of sugar !!

So I finally reached / got home at 10pm !!
My Gosh !!
Worn out and exhausted, I bath, fell asleep with my wet hair...

That's yesterday...

siaosiao @ 9:39 PM

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