wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sorry I went m.i.a. for a while. . .

Trying to figure out some certain things..like why am I always lacking this and that..Just so many things been happening and I don't even know how to digest each part of it. Sometimes I feel so tired I just feel like falling asleep and wake up few days later. Maybe with that my mind can work better and at least I feel better too.
So, I think I've had enough of hiding and running away, it's time to get back on my feet and savour each moment and second of air that I'm breathing.

With that, I'm going to post some long overdue photos (for some of you who have no idea what I've been doing for the past few months).

Chun & York's Wedding

End of day one. More tomorrow :)

siaosiao @ 12:09 AM (0) bla it

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