wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Tsim Sum

No idea why they named the restaurant that?
It's something similar to Kim Gary and Wong Kok, except food is tastier here :)
And finally a place which had Almond Tea on the menu REALLY served it!
Cos Kim Gary has the Almond Tea on their menu, but they're not serving it. Why can't they just reprint the menu once and for all!

This restaurant, somewhere in Cheras. Can't really remember where it is, haha, cos I wasn't driving and was talking all the way there.

I loved the lighting there, which was why I couldn't resist snapping pictures. Yea, only using my mini cyber-shot..Hehe. The only thing we couldn't stand was the way the menu was written. We wondered what some of them meant...


siaosiao @ 2:06 AM

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