wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Happy Meal

Working til 9pm isn't that great. Especially when I can hardly open my eyes after that, having to sleep late because I over exhausted myself and yet, there is still work to be done.

If you think I get to sleep in the next day and get into office a little later, you thought wrong. That's why I hate it when people say things like, 'Oh you journalist have flexi working hours don't you..'

True for most, but not true for me. Yah, I have a MAD editor who is obsessed with me coming into the office early to talk to the mosquitoes or flies if there may be...Yup, no sane human beings come to work as early as I do. Not even marketing.

What's new? I got a threat. That if I come in late after 10am, I will have to punch in from March 1st onwards. At the though of that, I really feel like quiting my job. All my friends who are in my line has a freedom of coming into office at a fairly flexible time, while I have to abide by the 9am - 5pm shit. Trust me, it sucks.

Where I live, it's not exactly that easy to get a direct transport to my God forsaken office area. And usually, the lrt station at Wangsa Maju is perpetually PACKED from 7am-10am. Yah, 10-freaking-am.

Don't blame me if I'm always in a bad mood...I didn't choose to be. Sigh... so tired...


It's the little things like hanging out with my favourite friends that keep me sane in a day...and I thank God for them...

When I'm thirsty, I go get beers. When I'm hungry, I just go find delicious food.

At D'lish

I need to lose weight...

siaosiao @ 3:08 AM

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