wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Mini Celebration

Three years in a row they sang 'Happy Birthday' to me. I'm happy. This year, it was with my new found friend, Jolene :)

She poked those fries into the sauce

Yah, I'm still very amazed with my phone

siaosiao @ 11:37 PM

ish put all the crappy photos of me lol. summore food got so much space me so little space. anyhoo... hoped this birthday, although uneventful, was special in some way. happy turning 24.
cancel the d from my hoped. omg ppl might start thinking i have bad english. that's horrible.
ahahaha, gosh.. for a moment I was wondering who you areeeeeee! scare me only... well, you made the birthday a happier day.. and I appreciate that :) Ahahahaha, I know you're English is better than that can ady la :p by the way, you don't look crappy also..hehe.
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