wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Mei Fern's

September 29, 2007 marked a historical moment. Hehe.

Wedding reception was held at Petaling Jaya Gospel Centre while the wedding dinner was sumptuously eaten at Cyberview Lodge Spa & Resort.
I think we went back at about 12am. Reached Taman Tun at about 1am. But, somehow I was hungry, too nervous cos I had to perform short item (stage fright). Didn't eat. So we went mamak. Had apam. Yum..

Witnessing the wedding was something most of us dind't think would come so early, but were all very glad. Especially for Mei Fern. It still seems weird to me that she is married. When a year ago we were still talking nonsense at Phileo, where I met her and Wen Tze for lunch.

Everything just sort of moved so fast. I feel like I'm still stuck in 2006.
Still thinking that I'm 22. No I'm 23 this year.

siaosiao @ 10:27 PM

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