wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I'm not in jail for doing this. Haha.
I didn't rob the bank.
Or pick-pocketed.

I just "accidentally" took an empty Carlsberg bottle away from the bar.

After the Fashion On 1 fashion show, we adjourned to that weird Bar & Bistro.
With an empty stomach, I didn't want to drink, but tempted by the beer. Heehee.

I had half, while the other half went into another person's stomach. Haha.

So here's the beautiful bottle.

siaosiao @ 1:07 AM (1) bla it

Monday, April 09, 2007

An Annual Event

Nah, not organising a party. Nor meeting or conference.
Instead, thinking hard, how do I get to office tomorrow?

I have a sprained ankle again. Why again?

Let me take you back to year 2001.
Where I partially tore my first ligament on my left foot.
Year 2005, I tore another one two weeks before Captainball tournament.

Then last year, I sprained my right ankle. Gone was the good ankle.
A week before Floorball tournament. Wonderfulness.
Painful and not fully-healed, I played anyway. Eh, I shot goals ! Haha.

And today, I sprained the right ankle, again. Clumsy-me.
Now I'm hobbling. Tomorrow I have to go to work.

It used to be, sprain, stay at home and don't move.
But now, since I'm working already, wanted to go for an MC, decided not to...looking at the amount of work I have to complete.

I write with my fingers mar.. not foot. Haha. So, as long as I stay put, don't go nosing around, I will be fine.

Annual fall I would say. Every year also have to fall one time. Giler me.

So anyone wanna give me a lift? You're most welcome ! Haha !

siaosiao @ 1:30 AM (0) bla it

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