wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Chapter One | Day One

6:27 am

Rushed to the airport but in the end the flight got delayed a little.
Imagine, we forgot to scan our bags. Already late. Had to 'patah balik' to scan our bags before we could check in our luggages.

Anyway, we safely boarded the plane.
Almost couldn't believe that we were flying to HONGKONG ! Two girls. Blur case didn't even know where to get our tickets. Haha.

Take off.

Arrived at the Macau Airport. Took a 53 Macau Dollars cab to the ferry pier which only took like 5 minutes ! Then took a 154 Macau Dollars ferry ride across the ocean to HongKong. Argh. So expensive !

Finally reached !

Had lunch at Deas Voux Road, I think. Heehee.
Had my first bowl of Wan Ton Mee, that cost $HK25. Giler... But good thing it tasted good.

Then headed to Mexan Harbour Hotel. Where my beautifully furnished room was located ;)

Scenes from my window


Wan Tonn Mee

High Rises | Everywhere

My room & bathroom

On the minibus

My first cuppa Starbucks

Wrong direction

Next | Chapter Two | Day One

siaosiao @ 5:26 PM

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