wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Sunday, October 08, 2006

We Gathered

Its a must for all of us to gather together once or twice or sometimes trice a year.
Yeah, school buddies !

Had a mini gather-everyone and had dinner at Ampang Waterfront's Korean BBQ.

There we were getting smoked with the BBQ and steamboat.

Everyone wanted to cook !

Except me, hehe. This time, let them do the cooking.. since everytime I end up cooking!

Guess what I was busy doing? Besides eating :

yeefun in pink : julie far left



Whoah eat so much !

She also ma

yan fen

the bao that rock-ed

Me and Amy simply sat there eating like we both haven't eaten in years ! We both were also the ones that said, 'Actually I'm not very hungry lo..'
We ended up eating the most ! As usual lar... And minum chinese tea...Growing old lo...But drinks tasted so bad ler...some weird honey dew and orange and corn mixed with milk respectively.. yuck man !

And the lantterns !


I thought if I went for dinner with them I could get my mind off his disappearance..
It didn't work...
A few kept asking if I was ouhkay...
Usually I'm quite a good actress, no one would notice...
It probably got worse.

I said I was ouhkay, just too full...
Fact is, I didn't even eat much...food was good...just... :(

Everyone was just so happy, smiling and laughing.. while I grived inside...

Why and how could someone be so cruel or mean as to not even reply a single text message that I've been sending for the whole of last week...

I began to wonder...
Are human beings that untrustworthy?
I refuse to believe...
He proved to me I could trust him...
But I just don't understand why he has become the him he is today... :(

I really miss seeing his name appear on my cellphone...

siaosiao @ 2:32 AM

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