wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Saturday, September 23, 2006


What a miserable day...

Went for lunch with stacia and jc.

Lunch was just lunch I guess?

And now its raining... some people ffk me. More like my whole life people ffk me.
I think they can qualify to be a pilot in the future if Malaysia didn't have enough pilots to fly the airlines. Bah.

Happy that I had a few minutes of chat with him last night. Didn't say much as my nostrils were clogged up by mucus from crying too much.

How am I going to ever find joy in work... When will I ever find that something that I yearn to do and so much passion for.
It just really boggles my mind.

How some people get the opportunity but don't appreciate it when I'm longing for that tiny little hope to do what I really want to do...Dang.

I didn't even eat last night. Too disappointed. Too confused.
Lying on my bed, crying from 11pm.

He asked if I was having flu.. whut lar you dear...
I was sick last week, still having some flam left behind...
In the end I had to admit I was crying...blergh...

But no matter how sad I am, he never fails to cheer me up. Doesn't have to make any silly jokes, or suggest anything.. just that simple goodnight makes my day...

That's why I appreciate you so much. If only you knew.


Been missing him so much. But I could only jot some down here.
Better to tell God than to talk to wall I guess?

How I wish you never became the you you are today... how I wish...

Long to see you smile again..


Feeling a bit glad.
Cos he texted.

Hence the weird missing feeling.

siaosiao @ 3:20 PM

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