wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Friday, May 26, 2006

A Nellie Day

We had dinner at Nong & Jimmy.

And we sang til 315am.


siaosiao @ 4:47 PM (0) bla it

Thursday, May 25, 2006

40th Anniversary Royal Gala Dinner

And so it was :

Elma and Ema


Some of us didn't even know how the King and Queen looked like til that night ! Haha

There are more, but it hasn't reached me yet ;)

So do with this . Hehe .


siaosiao @ 4:54 PM (0) bla it

Friday, May 19, 2006

And I shall
Let you know :

Eversince the 28th, things have not been as smooth as what I've expected it to be..

Nevertheless, hehe, I'm still alive !

Looking as burnt as ever, was back from the island on the 4th of May.

Rested for bout 3 days and started work on the 8th..

Looking like a person who's got permanent sunburn !

I was sent off to administer a leadership programme organised by my company.

Tun Razak Youth Leadership Award 2006 :

Day 1

First Day before leaving to MPM (Maktab Penjara Kajang Malaysia)

At MPM : Their first drill

First night

Day Two

At MIM : Openning Ceremony

The group

The volunteers & the staff me

Day 3

At the orang asli village

Debbie with the kids

Its the Octopus

Day 4

siaosiao @ 1:40 PM (0) bla it

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