wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Its been a mad week, the past few weeks.

Making last minute decisions to go for MPO, going crazy typing a 4,000 word assignment in one night, trying so hard to work some progress with my thesis which is SO going no where, at the same time, worrying for that certain someone.. *sigh*

Headache pangs almost everyday, wondering why I'm getting them so often. So 'pening' sometimes I want to detach my head !

Yeh, as crazy as it may sound, it won't happen la. I'm not mad. Just not yet.

Less than a month til I graduate. The feeling hasn't really sink in me yet. Like I suddenly don't feel like graduating. I don't want to stay in that Uni any longer of course, but just afraid of the world. Don't know what to expect out of it. Don't know what to look forward to.

*sigh* *head continues to spin like crazy*

siaosiao @ 6:24 PM

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