wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Its the Chinese New Year I enjoyed most out of my 22 years of life. Haha, ouhkay lar, from age one to 17, not counted.

Came back, bro went fishing the next day, which was yesterday, hehe. Caught some fish. Brought back to BBQ. But ended up oven-ing the rest, haha ;p Which didn't fill our stomachs, so we headed to Wan's for burger. Ouh yah, UNO has just became more and more hot, til we played it at Wan's ! I think Wan will remember us for LIFE !

The Fish

Today :

Went for visitation to the Melawati folk's housese ;p Had a fun time lauhing at each other though I still couldn't enjoy the yummies of Chinese New Year. The month has been so hot that I even missed running under the rain when it suddenly poured at Aunt Hannie's house ! hehe ;p Cooled the town a little I guess?

So smile they did :

They moved too much, camera shy ! so the camera had to followsuit



What we ate dinner. Simple & nice. Thanks Aunt munmoi & unc kaikeong

After dinner. Went over to Lydia's house for more? guess porridge didn't really fill me, heehee

Unc Kam Hong & Aunt Jen Peng [some of my fav people whom I love seeing and talking to. They left for China for almost two years andI havent seen them since. So happy to see them ! and they too happy to see me, hehe ;p Unc Kam Hong was saying, 'We can adopt anotehr daughter, hehe' since they already have two !]

Went back to Aunt munmoi's house for another game of Taboo ! hehe ;p But ended early this time, ended up watching The Incredibles ! Everone was just too tired I guess..

Good nite to everyone ;)

siaosiao @ 1:13 AM

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