wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


What a yucky day.
So . . .

Woke up at 645am. Waste my time waking up.
Waste my money buying the ticket to the Asia Jaya Lrt Station.


I also want to know why.

These few days, the train keeps breaking down. For reasons unknown.
In result, everyone is late. Either for work, class, movie or even shopping, hehe ;p

Seriously, frustrating !

It'll be my second time missing class on Tuesdays. People normally miss class cos their lazy or at least for some important reasons. Mine? Lrt rosak..Ada ke..

so.. balik my house. Ate lunch at Amy's place. Then came home.. trying to fall asleep during a hot weather. Was seriuosly sleepy, but then, when I touched the bed, suddenly cannot sleep pulak.


Thanks for calling you ;p Made half my day =D

Now, to do some work !

siaosiao @ 4:08 PM

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