wHat God GavE mE tOday ? |
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 Opposite of UpHavent' been really enjoying my days these few days. Keep thiking a lot. A lot of I don't really know what. Yea, its a I don't feeling that I wish some one could be there. So behind time on the thesis. So lost with don't know what to do bout it. So miss my friend. So much assignments to complete. So dreading to go for classes. So don't feel like graduating. So don't feel like working. So don't feel like feeling. I d o n ' t k n o w w h a t i s h a p p e n n i n g t o m e . *** Bumped into Irzee today. *ah* So missed her... Saw her smiling face through the bus window. She was so sweet to switch her seat to another to sit next to me behind so we can just simply catch up with each other. Knew her since she was five, I think? At least I remember a girl screaming her lungs out few doors away, hehe ;p When we were in Primary One, I thought she looked familiar. Hurm. . . look like my neighbour only. One day, she came up to me, and finaly pop te question, 'You stay near my house right?' Intimmidated by a Malay gurl speaking in English,I was left speechless only being able to nod? Hehe, then, eversince that day, I go to her house everyday to play ! Badminton , cycle, 'Congkak', 'Batu Seremban', computer game, roller skate and even thought me how skate board ! We did lots of other crazy stuff la, can't really express everything in words, hehe ;p Even watched the television together sometimes, hehe. Will always remember us watching this movie called The Relic. It was the most scary movie at that time, and we, few kids, with my younger brother, watching it. Giler. All we had to cover our eyes were big cushion pillows that were comfy and soft to hug ! Then, we entered high school together, but she left for boarding school in Form 3. Came back in Form 4 and 5. Then left to Trono [however you spell that place name] to study chemical engineering ! Since then, I will only get to see her twice a year. Whenever we see each other, we'll be talking from 8pm til early hours in the morning, hehe ;p Stay so near ma, so walk back at 3am also nevermind lo, hehe. Ouh, so miss her ;p Imagine, knowing her when she was seven and now we're 22 ! Yup, a friend very close at heart :) ![]() That's her :)
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