wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Delayed post. . .

Was just too sick and no mood to post it , hehe ;p no pictures yet mar . . no semangat to write, heehee ;p

And they brought me to chilies, spent me dinner on my 22nd birthday ;p
Really nice of them ;p

Yummy ;p But was so sick, could harly taste the food, though they looked so yummy ! The only thing I could taste and smell was my drink, Pina Colada. The banana scent was so strong, hehe. If not, it'll be like drinking water and sugar..

But enjoyed the night partly cos they kept me laughing though I was so sick.. Slight fever that was.. And the next day I had to leave for Penang. Hehe, got my bro with me, so, wasn't that worried.. At least got someone to bring me home safely, heehee ;p

So, let them say the rest yah? :

Amy's fenzy, the KLCC Park fountain

julian & amy & my drink

managed to smile, though sick

sarah & stacia

jong chern & my bro

And we adjourned to Alexis, hehe ;p to watch Louis Pragasam. I didn't want to go, so didn't Stacia. But jong chern's faced turned colour when we said out refusal, hehe. So went lo in the end.. only drank Peppermint Tea.. hehe ;p

So that was this year's 27th of January for me ;p

Wished for something else, but can't ask for everything mar.. right?

Happy me !

And yeah, some messages that arrived within the two days, touched me deeply ;)

Luv ya lots !

siaosiao @ 2:12 AM

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