wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Thursday, January 19, 2006


The plan was to only paint Hoay Ming's car another colour. As in give her car a new paint job.
But it turned out to become something else really out of my imagination !

I took a snap
And she snapped the rest.

Lit Han was drawing Maxis ads. , Toto / 4D ads. , NTV 7 ads. and I don't know if there were more.
Kai Ling was drawing rainbows and clouds ! So nice scenery she gave the car.
Christina was drawing small cute flowers and also snapping the camera away !
Wan Yee was also drawing, actually more of writing in chinese , I can't understand of course.
Me ? Had a fun time drawing butterflies, flowers and lines that looked like patterns and laughing at the same time !

What a cool-creative-ingenious-way to play a prank on our friend on her birthday ! hahaha !

[photos courtesy of cHristin@]

I definitely enjoyed myself today though. Even though we spent almost an hour under the blazing sun ! getting ourselves burnt ! With Lit Han complaining it was hot !

While I enjoyed laughing, even the Yong-Tou-Foo auntie joined in the fun ! hah ! Got her picture snapped with the car !

Everyone at the mamak applaud at our wonderful skills at making people's life miserable in a good way ! haha ;p

And Hoay Ming's car managed to find a space in the newspapers ! GosH !
So happen Emily decides to walk past the mamak for a totally different reasonm ended up talking to a bunch of siao us !

So much more to say.. but..Ouh kay.. I'm power super very tired. . .

Shall retire to my comfy bed, hehe .


siaosiao @ 11:34 PM

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