wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Saturday, November 12, 2005


What a day to spent in uni?
Hehe, but we had much fun. Running to section14 to take some pictures as instructed by the guy who conducted the Photojournalism Workshop, erm.. he didn't introduce him, but he's the guy trains The Star photojournalists !

Skippity hoppity we went.

hoppy skippy

while they were fighting

happy us taking photos of each other

And we went to 1 Utama again ! Now, I feel like its my second home ! This week, today's the third time I'm there !

Well...all for the sake of that moi = christina ...

haha ;p weLL i'm so tired.. now.. *plong* *falls down onto bed* heehee

siaosiao @ 11:04 PM

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