wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Friday, November 18, 2005

I Met Another One

As usual, the wonderful bus takes forever to come.

But today I had company, hehe ;p

Yesterday I saw Afifi, today I saw Zafirah !

Had a long chat with her..which made me miss high school so much !

We were both just lamenting on the fact that we have to do so much work ! Mine : Assignment work. Hers : Assignment and also REAL work work.

Telling each other how tired we are by the time we get home.

As for me, I stay so far away from home, I take forever to reach home.
Rough Extimation : approximately 2 1/2 hours.
For the past few days I've been coming home so late. By the time I reach home, I'm so dead tired.


Before I could even reach home, my friend called to go for dinner?? at 10pm ! *pengsan*

So out I went again !

And here I am again..


So depressed about something..but dunno how to describe it..


siaosiao @ 12:37 AM

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