wHat God GavE mE tOday ? |
Tuesday, October 25, 2005 DreamI had a weird dream yesterday. It feels weird cos it had to do with someone that I knew long long time ago. As in, back in high school la.. Some people will know him as my 'abang angkat' - as these were quite hot trends and this guy made himself mine. Some people will know him as the guy with a lot girl friends. Some people will know him as the guy who wore a big smile where ever he goes ! I have no idea why I had a dream bout him?! And of all the things, he became my bf in the dream ! We were both happily walking around our high school compunds ! Whahahhahahhaa ;p yeah, its kinda like, the day he becomes my bf will be the day when pigs start flying, Malaysia will start snowing and maybe snakes grow legs ! GOSH ! That will be the exact expression of anyone that reads this entry ! Don't ask me why, I don't even know why...
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