wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Thursday, September 01, 2005


It's been almost three years, since I've spoken to my "bestfriend".
To her, it may be, "was".
But to me, she will always be THE bestfriend I will ever have.
She may disregard me, but all that matters would be God.
Only God will know my deepest thoughts.

Doesn't matter if she doesn't care anymore.
As long as I care still.
As long as I remember.
As long as I regard her as my bestfriend.

Maybe one, just one day, she will realise.
How much I have treasured her.
Maybe she is ungreatful now.
I guess it doesn't matter anymore.

I just want to pray,
That I can smile at the memories that we shared in the past.
Some say stop looking. Some say look forward. But I say no.
How can I stop? How can I stop.
Everything I see, everything I do, everything I eat & everything I think. Smile.
They all almost remind me of her.

I just want to pray,
That I will always wear a smile. Even when I'm reminded of her.
That I can smile even when I wake up,
in the morning after having nightmares about her.
That I can smile at the pictures, the many frames that contained both me & her.

HEY ! STOP LAMENTING ! Most people would advice me.

Oh, don't worry.
I'm not crazy. Not obssessed. Not insane. Not possessed.
Just normal. Ordinary.
Just a child of God, going through trial and turbulance.
Best about it? I'm facing them with courage.
Don't worry. I won't give up.

siaosiao @ 1:39 AM

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