wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Friday, September 09, 2005

Dream Dream Dream

Ok. I'm going nuts.
Having all these weird dreams.
Is really scary !

Last night. I dreamt of Inn Win.
A guy that I only knew for a week?!

Yeah, that was during my attchment in theSun.
Where he came in for a week for attachment I think? But at the Marketing Department.

Aiya..can't help it la.. no one else to look at besides him.
Since he's the only person that is a college student after that disgusting thing that got sent there with me !

I can still rememeber. He introduced himself to me when we were all in the lift, together with Jamie, Uma and Aisyah.
So weird la..

But eversince then, I didn't talk to him until the day he left.
And it felt weird when I didn't see him in the office.

He simply resembles someone, but until now, I can't identify who that someone is.
Probably that's why I seem to be so attracted to him, haha ;p

But why the dream? I have no idea.. I haven't even thinking about him since the day he left the office??!!! and suddenly he pops out of no where in my dreams???

GOSH !!!

So, was it a sweet dream or not? I dunno...

siaosiao @ 12:46 AM

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