wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Saturday, September 24, 2005

A Dog Day Morning

Held at the grounds of Picture This and That, Ampang.
One of those colonial houses with big lands, grassy areas with gigantic trees !

Houses aged more than two wars !
Sad thing is, they're moving out :(

But at least I know where they are headed to..
Also, by making a choice to go back to the place teh next day, I made three new friends and am glad that I brought Li Wan along ;p

Besides the place, the event was really a day out for dogs that were brought there by their owners ;)
All freely roaming around with breeze blowing ruffing their fur ! haha !

While I sat at the SPCA booth, trying to sell T-shirts..failing miserably cos everyone was too distracted by the DOGS ! ;p

Other than that, I myself had a great time playing with the dogs, getting slobbered wasn't that bad after all, hehe :)

Can't post all the pictures up cos I'm supposed to print some out for Stacia, hehe ;p

So, I'll put some that I'm not going to print out for her !

Stacia's favourite :)

the Basset Hound..


Dog's of Pet-n-You

Alright, til then.. I shall post more pictures after I've printed those for Stacia !

siaosiao @ 3:35 PM

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