wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Hehe, yeah, my nose is finally freed from yucky air !
The whole of last week, even when I open my mouth to talk, I felt like I was eating the haze !

And all my clothes, whether dirty nor clean, they all smell of HAZE ! Bleaks !

I really cannot discribe how happy I am when the haze went away on Friday afternoon, but it was almost unbelievable, since I and JOan went for the theory that the haze gets worse after 12noon, whahaha ;p

Surprisingly, IT ALL WENT !! to where? I DUNNO la..
SOme say PEnang , and some say Kuantan..
But wherever it went, I hope it disappears fast la.. thought its not in KL anymore.. but I guess, anyone else should not be exposed to these kinda of air lah !

siaosiao @ 2:23 AM

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