wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Happily Ever After.. Hehe

A little delayed entry.. :)

So, last week ended with a BLAST ! hehe, a good blast.

Monday - 8 August 2005
Running around trying to print our Creative Strategy for Advertising assignment, yes our master pieces, and we ended up at a shop in Section 17, where the market is and Lalala..Some of the stuff we made for our master pieces,all handmede ! hehe..

Care to guess what they are? LEave a comment at the bottom, and a prize wil be delivered to your house ! hhahah ;p
They are more pictures..but the files are too big to be posted here..


For half an hour we were doing that.
For the first time we got to eat outside of uni !! Woohoo !
Three of us [Me, Joan and Rina] were so happy, hehe ;p

I headed home to fnish up the mounting of our advertisements. Why was I in a rush to go home? Because I had 13 ads to mount !! With a lot of help from Stacia of course.. hehe =]


Break for our 6 o'clock show, hehe and then continued at night, heehee ;p
Went out for supper after a long day of hard work, HARHAR ;)
So ends my Monday..sMelly and stinky Monday.."compliments" to the haze..

Tuesday - 9 August 2005
Disaster strikes ! One of the ads, became 'ham choy'..dunno what's upu with the spray adhesive I bought this time.. or maybe my lousy sticking method..hm..

So I had to go all the way to uni, meet up Joan, to print another copy of it..ish..
Stickspray again..bleak..

Wednesday - 10 August 2005
Presentation of Media Planning.
So nervous that my fingers were so cold.
So nervous that my legs not keep still.
So nervous that I forgot most of my lines.
So nervous that I felt cold sweat.
So nervous that I was staggering. (yea, according to Limsoojin)
OK. Finally it ended. *phew*
Mr Rolland said, "Well done. You have a future in thie field !" Whoah, real or not?
He also said, our group was the best so far, hehe, and he liked our presentation, hehe =] CHEERS to us ! The Nestle Fitness group !

Alter in the afternoon, we had practice for Creative Strat presentation..which made me all nervous again !

Thursday - 11 August 2005
Made my way to Joan's house to stick bottles behind our mounted ads.
It didn't take us too long to complete the task.
At the end of it, Joan's little brother asked her,"Joan, what you doing?"
And Joa

siaosiao @ 11:06 AM

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