wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


A lot of people always warned each other bout flashers nad stuff like that..
Hehe, never really thought it would've come true aye?

yea, so I saw one.
I was oon my way back from uni yesterday..
As ususal, waiting for the Putra bus to slowly move its butt to the bus-stop outside uni..the one facing Section 17.

Here came by, an Unser, with an uncle inside it, talking on the phone.
Who would've thought? Who would've thought..?

Normal lah right, people stop by at the bus-stop to answer calls..
But it turned out that? Yea, I don't have to explain further..

Wait wait wait, no bus..
So, when you become restless, you look at the surroundings. And , yes, that's how I saw it.

Thankgoodness I only had a glimpse. Hardly a glimpse. But enough to disgust me lah !
I shall nbot describe details here..you want to know, you come find me la..Come to think of it, looked the size of banana lah ! So fake !

Ok, relax. So i stepped down to pretend to look out for the bus, hehe.
And then, slowly cross the road to catch the Metrobus no. 12.

To my horror, it followed me across the road ! Drove on top of the divider and stopped on the otehr bus-stop !

Hm, got anotehr lady the other side, so, I thouht I was safe for a while.
Then, the lady decided to take a cab??

Yea, I was also quite desperate to catch a cab as well. And I started praying.
Haha, the exact words,"God, please SMOTE that guy !" haha, smote=make the guy drop dead !

Then I turned around, eh? the fella gone liao..
Phew.. and more people came to the bus-stop. Soon the bus came too..

GOSH ! I went on the bus, messaged Christina. Just to get my thoughts off it.

*sigh*..don't worry, I won't be traumatised for life. Not that easy lahh BUSTER !

My style, tell more people, more and more people, and in the end, it will just feel like I've just watched a stoopid show ! hehe, terra leh !

But thank GOD. NOthing worse than that happened la. I mean, flasher follow you??
ahhhh !

OK. So, those people always naik bus wan, just becareful la..10 thousand people saying it to you? ignore? think twice !

Better I scare you than, you get traumatised right !!

siaosiao @ 11:42 AM

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