wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Well, holiday has been as boring as ever !!

Everyday, i'll be squeezing aLL the juice i have in my brains to think of what to do as the next minute passes..

Man.. yea, i'm that bored..

Today, went over to Amy's house to cook and eat lah of course.
she made pasta with black pepper sausage and mushrooms , and we also had steamboat ! hahaha ;p
Yeap, talk about big eaters !!

Then we watched Umizaru.

Directed by Eiichiro Hasumi
Writing credits Syuho Sato
Produced by Hirotsugi Usui


Daisuke Senzaki, First Class Coast Guard Officer Hideaki Ito
Hajime Kudo, First Class Coast Guard Officer Atsushi Ito
Yuji Mishim, Third Class Coast Guard Officer Ken Kaito
Kanna Izaw, Magazine Editor Ai Kato
Masaki Igarashi, Coast Guard Admiral Jun Kunimura
Erika Matsubara, Nurse Karina
Natsuko Nakasako, Cafeteria Worker Kyoko
Taro Minamoto, Diving Instructor Tatsuya Fuji

Length of the show = 117 minutes

The show came out in the cinema last year la..but you see, we're busy people..hahha ;p
So, that was aLL we did today.. =D

siaosiao @ 1:08 AM

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