wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Been having headache pangs quite often these few days.. don't know why ler..

Man, how i wish i could just disappear !! That'll be good !!

Anyway today, I finished the LG Electronic launching PC at 12noon..
when the marketing guy Aundrey sent me back to office.. my head almost exploded !

But at least i got to know a new person la.. hehe ;p

Then i did nothing until Tamarai came back..
All i did was sat there, in Angela's place and read my Reader's Digest !

Soon, it was tea time.. so i went down with Tamarai..
After tea, found out that Uma needed help cutting vouchers for theSun Motor hunt this Saturday.

So, it is the first time that I'm venturing downstairs to the production house !! hehe ;p

Quite cool !! get to see what happens before the newspaper is being printed !

And so, I cut cut cut cut cut !
Finally when back at 645pm..

Well, at least i feel not so depressed at the end of the day compared to the normal days..

Saw Philip too ! aaha, man he's grown !! tall and chubbier !! hahahahha ;p

siaosiao @ 10:24 PM

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