wHat God GavE mE tOday ? |
Monday, February 21, 2005 I'm having a headache...Yeap, I went for the press conference on the 12 Girl Band - a band of 12 girls (duhh) who can play several Chinese Traditional Music Instruments ! Cool aye ! They are : very pretty indeed ! not to mention the skills they possess !! terre !! Well, why am I having a headache? I think it's because of the cigarette smell !! Thanks to people who smoke in non-smoking area !!! man !! those uncles la.. smoking during the press conference !! haiyoo.. then i had to go out in the sun.. I think that made my brains fry !! and therefore gave me a headache that lasted til now... Ok then... i shall write about my past unposted entries... Now? head needs to rest... til then, toodleloo !! ;p
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