wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


I pray,

That You (GOD) will heal my dad..
That my dad don't have to go through anymore more pain or dizziness..
That my dad's sugar level will drop back to normal..
That my dad's blood pressure will normal again..
That my dad's hypertention diagnosis will become better by taking those tablets..

I want to pray too,
That my dad will have faith in You that You will heal him..
That my dad will realise, that only You can heal him..
That You are in control of his life..

I want to pray too, that my mom will have sufficient energy to go through this difficult times.. same goes to my dad..

I just want to commit everything unto Your hands..
Especially my dad.. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN

siaosiao @ 11:39 PM

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