wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Friday, January 28, 2005


I've finally reached the tip of 21 years of age !!
siao man..
feels weird, when people ask me,how old are you?

But i'm glad that God allowed me to live til today !!

My office(The SUn) people celebrated my birthday for me, together with another colleague.. her names Angela.. ;p

Now it explains why we sometimes have the same taste with stuff ;p

Invited some friends to come over also.. heehee
And we had steamboat for dinner !!
they were - amy, christine, Lam, crystal, stacia, maylee, sue-ann, lydia, Kevin, edrian and Jongchern.

Amy bought a cake for me ! which was very touching , heehee ;p
And the rest brought stuff that i've always wanted to get.. ;)

Thanks you guys !! love ya lots !!!

siaosiao @ 1:00 AM

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