wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Monday, December 06, 2004

Went to Siew Hoon's birthday party !!
it was her 21st birthday..

Didn't really want to go at first.. but went in the end at bout 10:15pm.. heehee

Together with Li Wan & Christine ( this monkey cabut lari halfway.. ish..)

Just a little bout Siew Hoon :

Was my classmate er.. i think in Form 1..
But we were all quite good friends since there's so little Chinese students in the school..

She came from Mun Yee Primary School before she came over to SMKTM. A very noisy girl indeed !! Don't mess with her if you don't want her to bite your head off !! But she's normally very ncie wan la.. Just don't irritate her too much..

She changed so much since the last time i saw her in school.. much skinnier ( she was already very thin ) & really look so cool !! heehee ;p

Really hard to imagine the siew hoon last time who screams at everyone is now all grown up !!

oh yea.. if you're wondering, she came from remove form.. that's why she's 21..

Well, hope to see her around more often !!

Took this picture with her yesterday..

And this is Liwan.. very long didn't see as well.. i think my bithday was the last time i saw her.. which was in January this year..
The girl on the right.. The other one is Grace Lee..

siaosiao @ 4:43 PM

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