wHat God GavE mE tOday ?

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

today was ok I guess..

As usual, advertising class is being neglected , ahhahha

hOw to tahan lar...2 hours of 'I can't see a thing'

anyway...I managed to skip it once again !!

and ended up in KLCC, ahhahha, smart aye ;)

argh !!!!! assignments , yuck man ;(

anyways, me happy today !!! =)

siaosiao @ 12:01 AM (0) bla it

yay !!! finally =)

I've managed to drag myself to start writing about stuff , since I'm so super-duper forgetful, ahhahhahhhahhahhhah ;p

siaosiao @ 12:00 AM (0) bla it

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